About Nancy Chadwick

NANCY CHADWICK is an essayist, memoirist, and fiction writer. She got her first job at Leo Burnett advertising agency in Chicago. After a decade there, and later, another decade in corporate banking, she quit and began to write full time, finding inspiration from her years living in Chicago and in San Francisco. Nancy is the author of Under the Birch Tree: A Memoir of Discovering Connections and Finding Home, The Wisdom of the Willow, a novel, and has also written essays that have appeared in The Magic of Memoir: Inspiration for the Writing Journey, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Meaningful Conflicts – The Art of Friction, Writer’s Digest, blogs by the Chicago Writers Association Write City, and Brevity.

A sense of place

Tucked in a corner of a shallow closet for two years now is a metal file box. I’ve always known it to be there, despite it being hidden by a stuffed bag of unwanted items for the Goodwill. Opening the closet door was like cuing a flashback when several rosaries, a wooden cross, a small statue of the Virgin Mary, [...]

change and transition – seeing it back then and now

On a crumbling, narrow road, twenty-three houses sit on either side of a gravel-ditched apron. My home is one of the few remaining cottages built on this private road in the 1940s for the wealthy folks to escape the city to the north suburbs. The road, its houses that line it, and its occupants inside those homes are not like [...]

in the ending of a year: lessons and news!

While I fiddle with the outdoor holiday lights, my fingers stiff from a windy cold snap, I think, "Wasn't it just Halloween?" While busy hands unsort, I'm drawn to the dots of light. While I await them to pierce through the darkness, I can't help but to acknowledge what the lights suggest. Like a magnet, it attracts us to feelings [...]

What does connecting really mean?

When I’m headed out the door at daybreak, weather permitting, I tell my husband I’m leaving to be athletic. He understands this to mean I’m going out for exercise—a run, a brisk walk—along a path in the woods near my home. But sometimes my rendezvous with the natural world has nothing to do with the freedom to move my body [...]


As I write this in late September, October looms in the rearview mirror. It becomes more visible as it nears. Both months are my best days of living where I am seated on a runway of the natural world, her change in dress from suits of greens into colorful party clothes of crimson , and burnt orange, and green-apple, yellow, [...]

something in the air

I didn’t need a calendar to tell me that August had ended, and September was here—already—when I took a routine brisk walk recently early one morning. A slight breeze carried just enough humidity to remind me it was still summer, with air that was cooler, driven from pockets in the woods, tapping my shoulders. I thought of what marked this [...]

on quitting

Watching the Nutcracker ballet for the first time from the fourth row of the amphitheater when I was a little girl opened my heart to wanting to be a ballerina. I was so close to the dancers that I could see the details in elegance, their lithe bodies floating with a grace and joy I envied as musical notes took [...]

2023-08-01T16:22:00+00:00August 1, 2023|Categories: aging, home, life balance, memoir, personal narratives, writers, Writing|Tags: , , |

measuring time . . . takes time

July is here, already, and I can’t help but to think that we are halfway through this year. Where did the time go? When I was younger, my elders would tell me, “Just you wait. The older you get, the faster time goes.”  Well, I must be there because I do see time moving quickly. Yet, sometimes it seems it [...]

the memory keeper

Held discreetly between the palms of my hands, or grasped tightly in a clutch of one, I carry my identity in a compact bundle. Small laminated and paper rectangles slide inside into slots. Paper money, unfolded or halved, and a handful of change finds space elsewhere.  We cling to our wallets, identifying who we are in a concentrated capsule—driver's license, [...]

the making of a vision statement

To prepare for speaking publicly about my forthcoming novel, The Wisdom of the Willow, I plugged into a webinar courtesy of a publicist. The speaker talked to an author audience about wisdom, and making heart connections with others when we go out into the world to talk about our books, our writing, our selves. She asked if we had a [...]

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