Welcome To My New Site!

Last month, I wrote here about retiring from the past and embracing the future. The thoughts sprung from the decision to retire my website. But before I could move forward, I reined in the memories from its inception to now. In 2013, I created a website, developed from writerly beginnings on Blogspot where “Magical Thinking” took me to places [...]

2024-09-28T18:16:44+00:00September 27, 2024|Categories: authorwebsite, book marketing, book promotion, book publishing, Writing, writing life|

from playing it safe to discovering the unknown

    When I considered preparing for a book launch talk to be customary, as I had been talking about my debut novel, The Wisdom of the Willow, for some time now, it wasn’t. I had been preparing answers for questions when I realized I had been playing it safe with my writing. Over the past twenty years, I have [...]

in the ending of a year: lessons and news!

While I fiddle with the outdoor holiday lights, my fingers stiff from a windy cold snap, I think, "Wasn't it just Halloween?" While busy hands unsort, I'm drawn to the dots of light. While I await them to pierce through the darkness, I can't help but to acknowledge what the lights suggest. Like a magnet, it attracts us to feelings [...]

the lost and found of an author identity

I sunk deeper into my seat when watching her on a short Q and A video. I felt her words were directed at me, as if to say, “and you know who you are.” But I dismissed the thought because I didn’t think my publisher’s recommendation for authors to update their websites every two to three years applied to me. [...]

Was it really about a publishing goal?

I recently saw a question posted on a social media author group page, of which I am a member, asking if any writer has earned out the amount she has put into the (hybrid) publication of her book. I read the fifty plus affirmed comments and their details. Sure, every author hopes to cash in on an investment that has [...]

same-named? setting yourself apart from or connecting to

Before my memoir was published, I did a lot of searching. Not to be confused with a figurative searching of the soul, for connections, for my place in life, but a literal internet search. My due diligence was to see if there were books like mine with similar titles, stories, or themes. I would publish my work in a competitive [...]

2022-03-01T19:54:02+00:00March 1, 2022|Categories: ancestry, book publishing, book writing, memoir, self-discovery, writers|Tags: , , , |

A writer’s brand and a little logline

I sat down today with an intention to write a logline for my new book, The Wisdom of the Willow, currently temporarily parked in a copy edit. Anxiety bled through thoughts and limbs, and I stalled at jumping into it. What do I say? How do I narrow my book’s synopsis to just a couple of sentences? Einstein’s words struck. [...]

of first pages and Hemingway

Prior to my memoir going to press, my hybrid publisher forwarded me “first pages.” As a first-time author, I was unaware of such a thing, a PDF file of how my finished book would look. First pages was essentially a last call, an opportunity to use a phone-a-friend lifeline to correct errors missed in copyediting or proofreading, and to check [...]


Memoir writer Alice Tallmadge said it best in an essay, “Your First Book, When the Cheering Stops,” -  “But your writing mind is as empty as a flat pocket. You can’t imagine writing another paragraph, ever. You say you are taking a break. And you do.   (https://bit.ly/2JzmG7U) And I did. Taking a break from writing seemed to be an excuse, [...]

authors: book clubs are underrated

I launched my memoir, Under the Birch Tree, ten months ago. My book events have wound down and are now inching along in pace with the spring weather. I recently attended three book club events in the past couple of months, and I was surprised at what I learned from them. Book club events are underrated and I underestimated my [...]

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