In the sleepless of night, my mind loosens and my thoughts chase. Thinking too much . . . anxious feelings . . . unhappy ways . . . keep me from falling deeper into subconscious. And then in the beyond, where my mind hovers, I hear the rhythms of a train cutting through the darkness uniting with its tracks as it traverses in the distance. The heavy stillness of night, the sound cuts through a heavy stillness in interruption, like ripples, just as a skipping stones makes their way, breaking water as they travel. It is the hum, the locomotion, the beating thuds that create a distraction and a settling peace in my busy head. It is comforting. It brings me sleep.
Nancy Chadwick2014-09-02T18:46:22+00:00September 2, 2014|Categories: home, memoir, spiritual writing, Writing|Tags: Book Writing, journaling, life story, Memoir, Writer|
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