It’s in the details

  When it comes to my memoir writing, I am confident I can write one piece of the writing pie well. I implore the power of details. Natalie Goldberg’s, Writing Down the Bones says, “We must become writers who accept things as they are, come to love the details, and step forward with a yes on our lips . . [...]

The Birch Tree – Child’s POV

A writing prompt from one of my writing groups was to write about a summer day. We were to write a scene, from 2 different POV's - a child and adult, from a childhood memory. I pulled a scene from my memoir (in progress) where I was having my picture taken on my first day of kindergarten. When I completed [...]

Map Reading

I have been diligent for almost a week in rewriting my memoir manuscript, "Under the Birch Tree." I've acknowledged open doors signaling me that it's time to look up, and not at me feet, and walk through the timing as it is opportunity for progress. It's time to pick the book up once again, leaving behind the work of polishing [...]

Chasing Flap Copy

I've read them all - on plot, beginnings, middles and ends, writing life stories, memoir, personal essays and whatever falls in between. Writers of these books have been prolific with general guidance and "how to"  described in no uncertain abstract terms. Finally, I succumbed to just one more read on the memoir subject. "Writing & Selling Memoir" by Paula Balzer [...]

2013-02-28T19:34:40+00:00February 28, 2013|Categories: Writing|Tags: , , , , |
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